Recovery Hubs
Knutepunkt for Recovery (Recovery Hubs) started as a project between the regional peer driven centers in Norway. The centers, or "hubs", are peer-driven resources and serve as competency bases for Recovery in their region. They aim to promote Recovery oriented thinking in all parts of society.
The Regional Peer-driven Centers bridge a gap between professional competence and experience in the development of future service offerings, by documenting, strengthening and highlighting users and relaitves experience knowledge.
A meaningful life for everyone
The work at the Recover hubs means that everyone should be able to live a meaningful life, regardless of psychosocial challenges. We work to promote knowledge about the factors in Recovery, which contributes to lasting treatment in mental health care and substance abuse care:
Experiential knowledge and life mastery
Recovery hub is about promoting the sharing of experiential knowledge that gives the individual the necessary tools for life mastery and confidence in their own mastery ability. Together, the hubs are working for life skills, user participation and service development work on the basis of users 'and relatives' experience and knowledge.
Nationwide network
We know that many in Norway work with Recovery, and it means a lot to be able to exchange experiences in a network. Through our work with Knutepunkt for Recovery, part of the strategy is to inspire and highlight good examples of what recovery means.
The conference Ingenting om oss uten oss (Nothing About Us Without Us) is part of the work to create a national meeting place for recovery thinking. For the work on the conference, we have invited and collaborated with several non-profit and public actors. We hope it will be a powerful network that can contribute to a clear recovery-oriented understanding and practice in Norway.
The Regional Peer-driven Centers
Sagatun Brukerstyrt Senter
Sagatun is located in Hamar. Sagatun offers activity, social contact, work training, course and competence development, self-empowerment and more, at the same time as it is a meeting place for users and professionals.
VÅRRES - Regionalt Brukerstyrt Senter
VÅRRES is located in Trondheim. VÅRRES is a resource center for collecting and disseminating user experiences from children, young people and adults with various mental disorders and conditions as well as their relatives.
ROM-Agder is a regional peer-driven competence center and resource base in the field of mental health, and is located in Kristiansand. We work with service development, knowledge development, competence building, work training and life skills.
BIKUBEN Brukerstyrt Senter
BIKUBEN, Northern Norway, is located at Borkenes in Troms. Our main focus is life skills, self-empowerment, skills development courses and more. We also offer work training and social community for users and relatives.
KBT works to ensure that service users' and patients' voices are listened to, both in research and development of health- and welfare services. Lived experience is just as important as academic and professional knowledge. Through equality and dialogue we want to create better conditions for people facing life challenges.